Saturday, December 6, 2008

Milk is a Masterpiece (No Spoiler)

Man oh man I love Oscar season! If your only going to see 1 movie this month make it Milk. Gus Van Sant is an early front runner for a Best Director Academy Award as he delivers one of the most moving and inspirational films of all time. There wasn't 1 dry eye in the theatre by the time this movie was over.

I have had a phenomenal week at the movies. First I get to see what I believe will be the Best Actress performance by Anne Hathaway, and then I get to see a film in which I believe is going to win multiple Academy Awards. I haven't seen everything and the nominations are not out but as far as Best Actor is concerned it is going to be hard to beat the performance delivered by Sean Penn as Harvey Milk.

Milk is based on the true story of Harvey Milk; a business man, Gay Rights Activist, and the first openly gay man to be elected to public office in the USA. He was elected to San Francisco's board of supervisors in 1977. The hardships he overcame and the things he accomplished were truly remarkable. "His life is an inspiration to all people committed to equal opportunity and an end to bigotry."

The supporting cast in Milk was excellent and included Josh Brolin, James Franco, and Emile Hirsch. There has been some Oscar buzz surrounding Josh Brolin for Best Supporting Actor. Brolin played Supervisor Dan White and though it was a very important role it was rather small and there is no way that it was more immpressive than Heath Ledger's performance as The Joker in The Dark Knight.

I believe this is Gus Van Sant's year for a Best Director Oscar. He was nominated in 1998 for Good Will Hunting but lost to James Cameron for Titanic. There were some shots in Milk that really stirred up all kinds of emotions. One shot that really sticks out in my mind is a shot of a wistle in the street. I don't want to give it away so you will understand when you see the film. There is also a shot of Harvey Milk on the television talking and on the same T.V. there is a reflection of Dan White sitting on the couch with his baby watching Harvey. It created a really cool effect.

This film opened my eyes to a part of history that I really did not know much about. I don't believe that we will ever be able to get rid of bigotry all together and there is still room for improvement but this film is a really good example of how far we have come as a society. I believe that this film should be shown at all high schools along with films such as Remember the Titans. Milk is an absolute masterpiece, a wonderful film and I think everyone needs to see it. So whether it sounds like your choice of brew or not get out and see this movie!

Milk Trailer

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